Bringing Home Baby
Newborn Care & Postpartum Planning Class
This personalized 3 hour, in-home class is tailored personally for your growing family.
Gain confidence in your knowledge and skills to bring home baby!
Get familiar and comfortable with YOUR infant equipment in your own space.
Create and clarify plans for the postpartum period and infant care.
Infant Care
Learn the answers to commonly asked questions and skills to feel confident and educated on caring for your newborn.
Soothing techniques
Typical newborn sleep
Basic newborn health
Postpartum Planning
Clarify and plan for the postpartum period. Topics we will discuss:
What to expect and planning for recovery
Family roles
Support systems
Visitation preferences
Feeding goals
Parental leave and work expectations
Rest, sleep and nutrition
Pediatrician selection
Resources and services
Custom, In-home
The ability to have this course within your own home is invaluable! We will work within your environment, with the items you have for baby:​
Your car seat and stroller functionality
Introduction to your breast pump
Baby carriers
Bathing in your environment
Create breastfeeding and/or diaper "stations"
Nursery check